40 Hrs of Class + 40 Hrs of Preparation = 40 Marks in EIS
40 Hrs of Class + 40 Hrs of Preparation = 40 Marks in EIS This material covers all the contents of Enterprise Information Systems in a Question and Answer format for the benefit of all the students who are willing to study in question and answer format. Presentation in the exam was the main intention while designing this material. This Material is entirely divided for 20 to 25 parts. Spend two hours everyday, to cover one part in this. Magically you can finish EIS in 20 days. OR you can choose to spend one hour everyday, and complete each part in 2 days. (which takes 40 days to complete EIS). Please click on the test link provided to take up a test every day after completion of reading the material. If you don't score well in the test, read the material again, and take up the test again. If you wish to purchase the Video classes/Physical copy of Material - Click Here For Purchasing All the very best. AMENDMNETS INTRODUCED FOR NOV 2021 and SUBS...